Salt wins Edinburgh


The Award for Best Documentary Feature Film, supported by Al Jazeera was awarded to Farida Pacha’s MY NAME IS SALT. Re-introduced in 2014, the award underlines the Festival’s long-standing support of documentaries, and the competition saw feature-length documentaries from around the world competing for the prize. The winner was selected by the Best Documentary Feature Film Jury, chaired by director Cynthia Beatt, with director and editor Dominique Auvray and producer Sunmin Park.

The Best Documentary Feature Film Jury said: “The Al Jazeera prize for the best documentary at the Edinburgh International Film Festival 2014 is awarded to the film My Name is Salt by Farida Pacha. It is a beautifully shot and edited film that details the cyclical nature of salt harvesting in Gujarat, India. The film itself mirrors this cycle with delicacy and restraint. Between scenes are spaces to imagine what we do not see during the 8 months of filming. This one family of salt harvesters represents the 40,000 other families whom one senses on the horizon, closer or farther away, all doing the same work, all burdened by the same fears of whether this harvest will bring enough for them to survive until the cycle begins again. We wish Farida Pacha well with her filmmaking in the future.”